As veterans, we know that the culture of corporate America is different from the culture of the military. One of the keys to easing this transition out of the military and excelling in the civilian workforce is learning to navigate these differences successfully, right from the very start.
The skills you learned in the military will go a long way toward helping you succeed in the civilian workforce, but how do you effectively translate those skills on your resume, or in an interview? How do you figure out what you want to do next? How do you go beyond simply securing a job, and pursue a meaningful career that fits your calling?
At FourBlock, we are committed to shaping the future of veteran transition and career readiness by inspiring veterans to achieve more after their military service. We strive to provide a positive experience for all transitioning veterans so they have the information, opportunities and relationships needed to make better career decisions, reach their potential, and better serve their communities.
To help make this possible, we’ve teamed up with top corporate and university partners to create career transition resources that can be accessed anywhere, at any time, at no cost. If you or someone you know is a veteran in career transition or could benefit from guidance on navigating the military-civilian divide, these free resources can help guide their next steps and equip them with the tools to pursue a career that fits their calling.
The FourBlock Podcast
This podcast series examines veteran career transition and the military-civilian divide in the workplace. With each new episode, we strive to provide the FourBlock community with invaluable career insights and help bridge the military-civilian divide once and for all.
The podcast is co-hosted by New York Times bestselling author, multigenerational workplace expert, and FourBlock board member Lindsey Pollak, representing the civilian perspective, and FourBlock’s Founder Michael Abrams.
The FourBlock Podcast is available now on Apple, Google, and Spotify.
Grow with Google – Applied Digital Skills
To help transitioning military service members and veterans find success in the civilian workforce, we’ve teamed up with Grow With Google and the Center for Veteran Transition and Integration at Columbia University to launch new Applied Digital Skills lessons that allow transitioning veterans to learn practical digital skills using our free project-based video curriculum.
From resume to job searching tips, learn how to maximize the skills and experiences you gained in the military to successfully transition to a civilian career.
Read the #GrowWithGoogle blog post to learn more, or visit the #GrowWithGoogle Applied Digital Skills page to get started.
Find Your Calling: Online Course
Find Your Calling helps you answer the question: What should I do next?
This is an online career transition course developed for the military by FourBlock and Columbia University, powered by T-Mobile. It features career guidance grounded on the latest career development research and delivered by industry experts, in order to equip service members for their military transition journey.
The content of this course has been tailored for military veterans, active duty service members who plan to transition into civilian employment, and professionals who work to support veterans as they transition. If you’re ready to learn how to make your transition easier and more successful, then we hope you’ll join us.
Learn more about the Find Your Calling course today.
Tableau Partnership
We are thrilled to announce the launch of formal partnership with Tableau that will provide the FourBlock community with access to Tableau software and training opportunities that align with our veterans’ interest and the high demand for careers in data fields.
United by a shared passion for serving the communities we live in and helping to drive change through action, the collaboration will help inform transitioning veterans on the Tableau platform, explain how they can better see and understand data, and expose them to the impact a Tableau certification and knowledge base can have on their future careers.
Through this partnership, Tableau will provide up to 500 transitioning veterans with Tableau Creator licenses, e-learning credits, and both in-person and online instructor-led training opportunities at no cost—ensuring they are equipped to enter the next chapter of their careers.
Are you a transitioning veteran and interested in pursuing a career path in data? Email to learn more about how you can apply to FourBlock’s Career Readiness Program as well as our Tableau training opportunities.